Pastor Rolle & Anita Rawls      (888) 701-0320      Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024

Save Money On Fuel - Drive Farther
GET PAID WEEKLY Helping Others Save Too. Become A FREE Affiliate.

Would you spend $3.75 to get up to an extra 100 miles on a 20 gallon fill up, with an Exclusive, EPA Registered, Advanced Fuel Treatment?
Watch This Short 1 1/2 Minute Video.

Visit The Banner Below To Create Your FREE Affiliate or Customer Account.
FFX Is Available In Countries Worldwide.


This is the improved fuel mileage one of our customers is getting with FFX...



FFX helps your engine burn fuel more efficiently, so less fuel is wasted.

It takes 1 1/2 teaspoons (1/4 oz) of EPA Registered FFX (See White Paper Report below) to treat 20 gallons of fuel. One 4 ounce bottle is enough for sixteen 20 gallon fill ups, or 320 gallons.

IMPORTANT: It's recommended to double dose your first two fill ups for optimum results -
1/2 oz instead of 1/4 oz. Thereafter, use 1/4 oz of FFX for every fill up of a 20 gallon tank.

Improves Fuel Economy - If you save $10 per fill up, you'd save $160 on a 4oz bottle that costs $59. If you save $20 per fill up, you'd save $320. You have to also factor in the other benefits for your vehicle including:

Enhances Performance (increased horse power)

Prolongs Engine Life - reduces engine repairs/maintenance

Reduces Emissions - good for the planet

*Results can vary depending on the type and age of vehicle, vehicle condition, driving habits, etc.. FFX comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, as well as Insurance protection. See Frequently Asked Questions below.

The FFX formula has been used in industrial and commercial applications for more than 20 years, and is now available to consumers, as well. See White Paper Report below. MyDailyChoice owns the exclusive distribution rights for FFX.

Interested, But Need More Info?

We've included 4 documents below with additional details on FFX that you can review. Click on any of the banners, and a new page will open.

FFX is a comprehensive fuel treatment. Other products may have one or two of our components, but NONE have all of them. It would take many products mixed together to even come close to giving you the same benefits as using FFX.

Make Money Sharing Fuel Factor X...
Build A Business From Home That LASTS... Build It On A Foundation Of REAL Customers.

With gas prices at their highest level ever, consumers are looking for sensible ways to save on fuel. Someone is going to eventually tell them about FFX. With our team's help, why can't that someone be YOU?

There are many things you can do to share FFX and gather new customers. You're only limited by your imagination, creativity, and effort.

When you become a member of our team, we show you step-by-step different ways to enroll new FFX customers.

You're paid up to a 50% Customer Acquisition Bonus on the commission-able business volume EVERY TIME a customer purchases FFX, and you're Paid Weekly.

Build A Leveraged Residual Income With Us Too - If you'd like to leverage your customer gathering income & success by sharing MyDailyChoice's FFX opportunity with others who need to earn an income from home, our team will help you, and show you how.

Once you create your FREE MyDailyChoice (MDC) affiliate account, and place an FFX order, our team will do two things for you:

1.) First, we'll provide you with a FREE FFX Turnkey Marketing System that includes a Personalized Website just like the one you're visiting right now, as well as a FREE Website for enrolling new FFX Customers, plus Lead Capture pages, an email follow up autoresponder with pre-written emails, and much more...

2.) Second, if you need help generating targeted FFX business leads to build your team and earn "leveraged residual income" too, you can participate in our team's lead advertising co op where we do the advertising and generate targeted FFX business leads for you. You'll also have 24/7 access to our team's support groups.

Our team's advertising co op is the second part of our Fast Track to Success Program that, when combined with the right follow up strategies, puts you ahead of 99% of direct sales associates who are trying to build a team through cold marketing (people you don't know yet).

Our follow up strategies are time tested, and will work for anyone who follows them correctly.

NOTE: If it's within your budget, we encourage new affiliate team members to order the FFX Executive Pack ($139.00).

This option includes a 4 oz bottle of FFX for your own use (320 gallon treatment), plus 20 FFX foil packs (400 Gallon treatment) that you can give to someone you know to try, sell, or keep for personal use. This option also immediately qualifies you at the Executive Rank where you earn 50% customer acquisition bonuses.

IMPORTANT: It's FREE to create an affiliate account with MDC, and you are not required to make a purchase to earn income.

Two Really Good Choices...

If you like what you've seen and learned, you have two really good choices:

Option A.) Become an Affiliate, and create your FREE account. Once created, and if you elect to purchase FFX, log into your new MDC member area, click on Shop, then Automotive/Fuel Treatment to select the Fuel Factor X option you'd like to order.

Option B.) Become a Customer, and create your FREE account. Once created, log into your new MDC member area, click on Shop, then Automotive/Fuel Treatment to select the Fuel Factor X option you'd like to purchase. You can become an affiliate later if you choose to.

For both customers and affiliates, you'll have the option to select a 30 or 60 day subscription (not required) which will save you additional money, as well as accumulate Reward Points that can be used towards the purchase of any MDC products in the future. Customer & Affiliate Pricing are the same.

To get started, click on the banner below. When the page opens, select either Customer or Affiliate, and create your FREE account.

Timing - The last time MyDailyChoice introduced a product with this much interest and impact, the company grew from $9 million a year, to almost a half Billion dollars in just 4 years! Many lives were changed, and millionaires were created from hard working people no different than you. Many other independent MDC affiliates earned more in a home business than they ever had before.
If you have a question before creating your FREE account, my contact details are below.

Will You Be One Of Us This Time?

Create Your FREE Account, And We'll See You On The Inside.


Pastor Rolle & Anita Rawls

Questions?... Text or call me (888) 701-0320

Let's Connect!

The two images below are from a member who got a free 4 oz bottle of Fuel Factor X (FFX) to try when she recently attended our company's Mastermind event in Vegas. She has a Ford Explorer, and so far she's getting an extra 6.3 miles per gallon. That's an extra 126 miles on a 20 gallon fill up.

*There are many factors that contribute to automobile fuel economy. Some people may need to use FFX over a longer period of time depending on engine type, age of vehicle, and maintenance. Increases in fuel economy is just one of the benefits of FFX. FFX is a scientific based product that works every time.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER - The are no guarantees regarding the income from the MyDailyChoice opportunity. The success or failure of each Affiliate, like in any other business, depends upon each Affiliates’ skillset and personal effort. Earning levels for Independent Affiliates are examples, and should not be construed as typical or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon individual Affiliates business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment, activity, and demographic factors. For Average MDC Affiliate Earnings, Please View The Income Disclosure Statement on my personal website (IDS).

This website belongs to an independent MyDailyChoice affiliate who is responsible for all content.